Consultation process on novel food status

Statements following the consultation process to determine the novel food status of foods.

The consultation process (also known as an Article 4 request) is available to businesses who are unsure of the novel food status of their product(s). Retained (EU) Regulation 2018/456 details the information we will require to make the decision on the novel food status of the food. If the conclusion of the process is that the food is novel, then businesses will need to apply for authorisation to legally market the product in Great Britain (GB).

Businesses can submit an Article 4 consultation request and supporting evidence using the regulated products application service. In the ‘Product type’ section select ‘Other’ and detail in the product summary that you intend to submit an Article 4 consultation request. Applications for authorisation of a novel food in GB can also be made through this service.

Below are previous statements on foods following the consultation process. Please note that unless a contrary statement is listed below, any decisions on the novel food status of a food made by the EU before 11pm on 31st December 2020 still apply in GB. EU decisions made after this do not apply in GB.

Name and description of the food concerned Date of notification Statement on the food concerned Reasons justifying the statement (If novel) Most appropriate category in accordance with Article 3(2) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283
Non-selective aqueous decoctions of monk fruit (made from the fresh and dried fruit of the plant Siraitia grosvenorii) 21 June 2024 Not novel Download document  
Vitamin B12 mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) Mushrooms with a higher content of Vitamin B12, added through the watering regime. 13 June 2022 Not novel Download document  
Selenium mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) Mushrooms higher in Selenium (Sodium Selenite), added through the watering regime. 13 June 2022 Not novel Download document