News and alerts

Food Standards Scotland’s news and food alerts, including product recalls and allergy alerts. 

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Allergy alert - UK

Marks & Spencer recalls Balanced For You Red Thai Chicken Curry because of undeclared milk

Marks & Spencer recalls Balanced For You Red Thai Chicken Curry because of undeclared milk

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Revised approach to shelf-life safety guidance for chilled fresh beef, lamb and pork following UK-wide consultation

Shelf-life guidance for vacuum and modified atmosphere packed (VP/MAP) chilled fresh beef, lamb and pork with respect to non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum has been updated across the UK.

Continue reading Revised approach to shelf-life safety guidance for chilled fresh beef, lamb and pork following UK-wide consultation


Oh Yes She Is!! - ‘Aunty May’ centre stage in Food Standards Scotland’s festive food safety campaign

Scots pantomime stalwart Allan Stewart will once again be centre stage this Christmas, albeit in a slightly different guise, as theatre legend Aunty May stars as the face of Food Standards Scotland’s (FSS) annual Festive Food Safety social media campaign.

Continue reading Oh Yes She Is!! - ‘Aunty May’ centre stage in Food Standards Scotland’s festive food safety campaign

Allergy alert - UK

Lakeland recalls Flower & White Bake On Strong White Bread Flour because of undeclared wheat (gluten).

Lakeland recalls Flower & White Bake On Strong White Bread Flour because of undeclared wheat (gluten).

Continue reading Lakeland recalls Flower & White Bake On Strong White Bread Flour because of undeclared wheat (gluten).


Festive food crime: What to look out for

With Christmas fast-approaching, Food Standards Scotland is making consumers in Scotland aware that there may be an increased risk of food crime.

Continue reading Festive food crime: What to look out for