News and alerts

Food Standards Scotland’s news and food alerts, including product recalls and allergy alerts. 

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FSS Board Meeting - 19 August

The next Food Standards Scotland Board meeting on Wednesday 19th August 2020 will be held via video conference.

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Action required by fishing vessel owners in Scotland ahead of EU Exit

Food Standards Scotland has joined forces with industry leaders to raise awareness across Scotland’s fishing industry that fishing vessels need to be registered as food businesses, and be inspected by the relevant local authority to enable catch to be exported, either directly or indirectly, to Europe after EU-exit.

Continue reading Action required by fishing vessel owners in Scotland ahead of EU Exit


Food Standards Scotland urges consumers to lookout for ‘tell-tale’ signs of food crime during COVID-19 lockdown

Food Standards Scotland is making consumers in Scotland aware that there may be an increased risk of food crime during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Food Standards Scotland urges businesses to be vigilant on food crime during COVID-19 pandemic

Food Standards Scotland is highlighting to food and drink businesses in Scotland to be alert for potential food crime activity in their supply chains, as its Scottish Food Crime and Incidents Unit (SFCIU) is aware, via recent reports, that COVID-19 circumstances has created a factor or motivation for food crime.

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Food Standards Scotland urges farmers to watch out for lead poisoning following increase in on-farm incidents

Food Standards Scotland is highlighting the risks of lead sources on farms, after reports to its Scottish Food Crime and Incidents Unit (SFCIU) in the last three months have already surpassed the whole of the last recording year.

Continue reading Food Standards Scotland urges farmers to watch out for lead poisoning following increase in on-farm incidents