
Various Questions about Social Media Management and Listening


Your request was about the following information:

Q1. Do you use a social media management platform?

Q2. If so, what tools do you use?

Q3. What is your annual spend on a Social media management tool?

Q4. What dates does your contract with your current supplier end ( month & year)?

Q5. Do you use a social listening / media monitoring platform?

Q6. If so, what tools do you use?

Q7. What is your annual spend on a social listening / media monitoring tool?

Q8. What dates does your contract with your current supplier end ( month & year)

Q9. Who is the senior person responsible for managing these contracts?


A1. In Food Standards Scotland (FSS) we use a social media management platform.

A2. In FSS we use Sprout Social and their address is 131 S. Dearborn St. Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60603 United States.

A3. The annual spend on a Social media management tool for FSS was £10,570 for the last financial year (2023/24).

A4. 10 Apr 2025.

A5. In FSS we have the functionality to use social listening on sprout but it is something we are only starting to look at. In FSS we have a media monitoring platform.

A6. Costs for social listening are included within the Sprout Social annual fee. FSS’s media monitoring is with Oneclusive.

A7. The total costs incurred for media monitoring in the last financial year were £18,368 for CLA and NLA subscriptions and £13,187 for actual downloads of PDF press clippings (we circulate articles to senior leaders daily).

A8. Onclusive contract due to end 31st August 2025.

A9. Food Standards Scotland Employeed, Head of Communications and Marketing