
Salmon Feed Imports to Scotland since 1 January 2024


Your request was about the following information:

Please provide information on salmon feed imports to Scotland since 1 January 2024. Please include all emails, import certificates, documents, testing results, food safety aspects, photos, videos, letters, licences and any other information. As background, $camon $cotland was recently tipped off with respect to a shipment of salmon feed into Fairlie Quay on 2 May 2024 from Havsbrun in the Faroes to Bakkafrost Scotland via the Hav Sand tanker. 

An insider suggested that an import issue - perhaps to do with paperwork or testing of feed ingredients - had held up the shipment (estimated at 930 tonnes) leading to bags and bags of feed being stored in the boatyard at Fairlie Quay.

Please include any documents and information relating to the above in this FOI reply.


While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance Food Standards Scotland (FSS) does not hold the information you have requested. You may want to contact the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Scottish Government (SG) or Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) as this is part of their responsibilities