
Number of Animal Welfare Breaches / Non-Compliances


Your request was about the following information:

'The number of animal welfare breaches / non-compliances recorded by Food Standards Scotland veterinary inspectors based at slaughterhouses / meat processing plants in Scotland between January 1st 2017 and the present date, with details of the breach / problems found, the severity of incident e.g. major, critical, the species concerned and action recommended/taken. Note: please include any breaches relating to condition of livestock presented at the slaughterhouse itself, or thought - as far as veterinary officials can deduce - to have arisen during transport or on farm.’


Under section 25(1) (information otherwise accessible) of FOISA, we do not have to provide information which is already reasonably accessible to you. In FSS we publish all the reports about Animal Welfare Data and this information is up to data and available on open data portal. Please see the link below for the information you have requested:

Animal Welfare Data - Food Standards Scotland