Hazards in the Kitchen

Hazards in the Kitchen

Identifying food safety hazards in a kitchen, discussing them and in groups producing a short drama about how they might come about.

1-1.5 hours
  • HWB 2-33a - Having learned about cleanliness, hygiene and safety, I can apply these principles to my everyday routines, understanding their importance to health and wellbeing.

  • HWB 2-16a - I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible.

  • EXA 2-13a - Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama.

  • EXA 2-14a - I have created and presented scripted or improvised drama, beginning to take account of audience and atmosphere.

  • Identify hazards within a kitchen setting.
  • Link kitchen hazards to possible consequences.
  • Suggest ways to prevent or remove these hazards.


Setting up

  • Display kitchen interactive on the whiteboard


  • Pupils identify food safety hazards on the kitchen interactive.
  • Allow some time to discuss as a whole class the consequences of these hazards.
  • Split pupils up into small groups.
  • Each group is allocated one of the food safety hazards and must come up with a short drama that shows:
    • what happened to cause the hazard
    • what the hazard is
    • what the consequences of the hazard might be
    • what could have been differently to ensure safety.
  • Pupils come together after allocated time to watch each group’s drama.
  • If possible, each group could put their dramas together as a sequence and present it to another class or at an assembly.

Cross-curricular links

Expressive Arts – Drama

The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) offers secondary schools in Scotland the opportunity to become registered with the Institute to deliver some of the REHIS qualifications – see www.rehis.com/community-training   For information on the REHIS Schools Food Hygiene Initiative contact REHIS.


Assessment opportunities

DO – Does the group’s performance demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of kitchen hazards and how to prevent them?

Consider CfE Benchmarks, for example:

  • Identifies ways to reduce the risks of food poisoning, for example reheating food until piping hot, safe food storage, different coloured chopping boards.


Adaptations for pupils with additional support needs

  • Some children with ASN may find an open-ended drama task very difficult.
  • Another way of achieving the learning intentions for this lesson while encouraging pupils to be creative in their thinking could be with the use of comic strips.
  • Using the accompanying sheet (photocopied onto A3), pupils draw comic strip-style pictures before and after each hazard showing what might have caused it and what the consequence of it might be.
  • Pupils could then make an alternative comic strip starting with their picture of what happened first and adding on to it what should have been done.


  • Groups could create a script for their performance.
  • Explore the use of other drama conventions such as the use of mime, voice over or freeze frame.