
Scottish Manual for Official Controls (SMOC)

23 documents for this subject


The Scottish Manual for Official Controls (SMOC) provides details of the tasks, responsibilities and duties that Food Standards Scotland (FSS) Authorised Officers undertake in approved establishments.

The work of FSS includes:

  • inspection
  • verification and audit
  • decision making and action to be taken following official controls
  • sampling procedures
  • monitoring and surveillance programmes

Volume 1 of the SMOC contains guidance for staff for the performance Official Controls and is provided as a series of pdf documents. It has been split into chapters and sub-chapters to limit the size of each file and make them quicker to download.

Please note that the links to forms and annexes in these documents will not work, as they are currently stored on an internal platform. For more information on forms or to request a copy of a particular one, please contact

Volume 2 contains the names, reference numbers and links to the individual regulations consulted by the FSS teams when conducting Official Controls.

Action Notes

See below for a list of currently active Action Notes which are released between major updates of the SMOC.